May Happenings!

Greetings Friends and families! I cannot believe we only have 1 month left in school. This wonderful year has flown by and I am starting to feel a little sad that it is coming to an end.

We have been so busy with end of the year assessments and activities. All of Ford’s Friends finished the SBAC and I am so proud of how hard they worked! It wasn’t easy to have 4 days of testing but everyone gave their best effort and that  is all I could ask for. We are continuing with assessments this week, we are taking the NECAP science assessment and are continuing to show perseverance and a growth mindset. After this week, we will have a few more in class assessments for reading, writing, and math.

But do NOT worry! Even with all these assessments we are making time for fun at school. As a class we managed 2,179 laps on the fitness trail. That means we ran/walked 545 miles! We would have done the Long Trail almost 3 times! We had some very dedicated runners in our class. Every single kid contributed to our miles.

Last week was a very artistic one. We were able to walk over to the high school to check out all the awesome art work from the whole district. It was really great to see our classes work and other work from the middle and high schools.

In addition to the art show, our class did an awesome job in the recorder concert last Thursday! It was so cool to finally see them perform what they had been working on all year in Music.


  • Field trip permission slips and money ($13) is due Friday, May 19th. 
  • The Statehouse/Rock of Ages Trip is May 24th.
  • The Shelburne Museum Trip is June 13th.
  • Scholastic Reading Club orders are due Friday, May 19th. This might be our last order of the year so make sure you get some books for summer reading.  You can order online at:  Our class code is: ML2DM

Thank you again for all of your support of our classroom! This has been one of the most delightful, fun, engaged, and exciting classes I have taught in 10 years of teaching! I am excited for the last month of school and fun events to come!



A note about SBAC….

Dearest Friends,

Starting tomorrow, May 2nd you will take your SBAC test for reading and math. These assessments will show me your skills in literacy and math. I know how hard you have worked this year in both those subjects, and I know you will try your best to show what you know, but there is something very important YOU must know.

The SBAC assessment does not assess all of what makes you special and unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you like I do, and certainly not the way your families do.

They do not know what great questions you ask or how you love to share your thoughts during class discussions. They do not know that some of you are amazing track runners or soccer players, or that you love to sing or dance. They do not know that you are amazing at playing the recorder or ice skating. They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them or how much you make me laugh. They do not know that your laughter can brighten anyone’s day. They do not know that you participate in sports, wonder about your future or that you do gymnastics. They do not know that sometimes you help with your family after school. They do not know that you are kind, trustworthy, and thoughtful. They do not know that every day you try your very best.

The scores you will get from these tests will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything about you. These tests do not define you. There are many ways of being smart. YOU are smart! You are wonderful people and the reason I am happy to come to work each day.

So, during these tests, remember that there is no way to “test” all the amazing and awesome things that make you special and unique.

All I ask is that you give your best effort and do not give up. You have been working for this since you started school and you are ready! I believe in you so just do your best!


Helpful Reminders

  • Get a good night sleep this week & eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Bring your earbuds/headphones.
  • Arrive to school on time.
  • There is no homework this week. Spend the extra time relaxing and playing!
  • You are awesome!


Test Schedule

Tuesday, May 2nd  – English Language Arts

Wednesday, May 3rd – English Language Arts Performance Task

Thursday, May 4th – Math

Friday, May 5th – Math Performance Task